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We took a break from the Batch 39 program after one week, and on February 7, 2022, we reopened it for Batch 40. This program ran for four months. We ran trials at the same time in the previous batch, and this is an efficient time to run the program. However, we were greeted by quite heavy rain at this opening moment, so the ceremony was held indoors.

The program's opening ceremony was solemnly held by 35 students from various provinces throughout Indonesia, including Afghan refugees. The students are from Central Aceh, Palembang (South Sumatra), Padang (West Sumatra), West Java, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, and Bali.

The first time Batch 40 students arrived at TLF, they appeared very excited because they had met other youths from various regions. On the first day they met, they smiled at each other and told them where they came from and what they did in their hometown or village.


Setelah satu minggu kami break dari program batch 39, kami membuka program kembali untuk Angkatan 40 di tanggal 07 Februari 2022. Program ini dilakukan selama 4 bulan Kembali yang mana di Angkatan sebelumnya kami telah melakukan ujicoba dengan waktu yang sama dan ini adalah waktu yang efektif untuk berjalannya program.

Namun di moment pembukaan ini, kami disambut oleh hujan yang cukup lebat sehingga harus melakukan upacara di dalam ruangan. Walaupun begitu, 35 siswa dari berbagai provinsi diseluruh Indonesia termasuk pengungsi dari Afghanistan melakukan upacara pembukaan program dengan khidmat. Adapun asal siswa yaitu Aceh Tengah, Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) Padang (Sumatera Barat).

Di momen pertama siswa batch 40 di TLF, mereka terlihat sangat bersemangat karena bertemu dengan pemuda-pemuda lain dari berbagai daerah. Di hari pertama mereka bertemu saling melemparkan senyum dan menceritakan asal mereka.


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