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We have established our Theory of Change during this phase of the 2022 TLF sustainability. It is divided into three parts: Organic Agriculture, Skill Building (Capacity Building), and Attitude Changes through habituation with the application of 6 TLF values.

While students are at TLF, we administer tests such as Written Exams, Practical Exams, Oral Exams, and Pitching Business Plans as an assessment parameter. Students appear to be very serious in their preparation for the exam. When it comes time to take the oral exam, some of them are nervous about facing the interviewer.

The Pitching Business Plan is a new addition to this TLF program. Students are given a Business Model Canvas class and other materials such as Business Analysis since their early arrival at TLF, which is very important for the formation of their entrepreneurial spirit. They present the results of their business plan to the examiner at the end of the TLF program.


Di fase keberlanjutan TLF tahun 2022 ini kami telah menetapkan Theory of Change kami. Hal Hal tersebut terdiri dari tiga bagian penting yaitu: Pertanian Organik, Peningkatan Skill (Capacity Building) dan Perubahan Sikap melalui pembiasaan dengan penerapan 6 values TLF.

Sebagai parameter penilaian selama siswa berada di TLF kami mengadakan beberapa tes seperti Ujian Tulis, Ujian Praktik, Ujian Lisan dan Pitching Bussiness Plan. Dalam melaksanakan ujian tersebut, siswa terlihat sangat serius mempersiapkan ujian. Ada beberapa dari mereka yang tegang menghadapi interviewer saat hendak ujian lisan.

Dan hal baru yang ada di dalam program TLF ini adalah Pitching Bussiness Plan. Sejak awal kedatangan siswa ke TLF, mereka di berikan kelas Bussiness Model Canvas serta materi lain seperti Analisa Usaha yang sangat penting untuk pembentukan jiwa wirausaha mereka. Di akhir program TLF mereka mempersentasikan hasil rencana bisnis mereka didepan penguji.


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