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NTU Singapore visit Us

04-09 March 2019

In early of March, we had a very special event together with students from the School of Communication and Information of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. They visited us for one week as a part of their project on making an impact video of our students and alumni, helped with the maintenance of our website and improved our social media presence. There were four students allocated for each project and they were accompanied by their lecturer, Prof. Sonny Rosenthal. The first team, the Impact Video group, conducted interviews session to highlight Agus Setiawan, our alumnus of batch 28. Agus is a talented student and he used to intern at Café Du’Jour Senayan before being hired for a full time job. He has been working there for seven months now. During the session, Agus explained that TLF has improved his personal development and helped him fit into his work environment.

We then continued our journey to Sekolah Seniman Pangan in Vida Bekasi. We met three alumni interns there, namely Noni Sasi, Siti Noor, and Fahri. The impact video team highlighted them from various angles. Noni Sasi and Siti Noor were featured on their motivation to learn  organic farming, while Fahri talked about his difficult background and how TLF has changed his life. They are all extremely grateful to have this opportunity to join TLF. The next day, we welcomed the guests in TLF together with basic and advanced students. We presented them with special traditional cuisine which was cooked by our staff and students. After finishing lunch and brief introduction of TLF, we invited them to explore the farm. We split them into two groups and each group was accompanied by one or two TLF staff. We introduced our garden, green house, and animal husbandry. 

We finally ended the project in Bandung by visiting Ambrosius, our alumnus of batch 10. Since the completion of his Basic program in TLF, Ambrosius has been working at PT. Hextar Seed, Bandung. By working there, he able to continue his studies and obtain a bachelor degree in Management at Bandung Raya University. The NTU students were impressed by his achievements.



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