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Increasing Community Awareness of TLF Programs through Gelar Griya

Local residents enthusiastically visit The Learning Farm
Local residents enthusiastically visit The Learning Farm

On December 3, 2024, The Learning Farm (TLF) held the "Gelar Griya" event to introduce its programs to the local community. The event aimed to expand awareness of TLF among potential students, partners, volunteers, and donors, while also strengthening ties with the local community. The event began with a warm welcome, offering drinks and traditional snacks made from TLF's farm produce, such as boiled bananas and sweet potatoes. This was followed by a presentation on TLF's programs and a farm tour to showcase the facilities and training processes.

The enthusiasm of the visitors was evident through numerous discussions and Q&A sessions. Several residents expressed interest in enrolling their children or relatives as TLF students. Gelar Griya successfully provided an opportunity for the community to learn more about TLF, while also increasing the chances of support to create a significant impact in agriculture and the development of Indonesia's future generation.

______ Pada 3 Desember 2024, The Learning Farm (TLF) mengadakan acara "Gelar Griya" untuk memperkenalkan program-programnya kepada masyarakat setempat. Acara ini bertujuan untuk memperluas kesadaran tentang TLF di kalangan calon siswa, mitra, relawan, dan donatur, sekaligus mempererat hubungan dengan komunitas lokal. Acara dimulai dengan sambutan hangat, menyajikan minuman dan camilan tradisional yang terbuat dari hasil pertanian TLF, seperti pisang rebus dan ubi jalar. Selanjutnya, ada presentasi mengenai program-program TLF dan tur kebun untuk memperkenalkan fasilitas serta proses pelatihan.

Antusiasme para pengunjung terlihat melalui banyaknya diskusi dan sesi tanya jawab. Beberapa warga menyatakan minat untuk mendaftarkan anak-anak atau kerabat mereka sebagai siswa TLF. Gelar Griya berhasil memberikan kesempatan bagi masyarakat untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang TLF, sekaligus meningkatkan peluang dukungan untuk menciptakan dampak yang signifikan dalam pertanian dan pengembangan generasi penerus Indonesia.



The Learning Farm



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